Ghost Tourism Destinations in New Jersey

Ghost Tourism Destinations in New Jersey

Whether you want to visit or buy a new home in New Jersey, you might be curious about the state’s haunted sites. New Jersey is a beautiful state and has a lot of history. It lies along the east coast and many local cities have reported a lot of paranormal activity. Many of these places are private and not open to the public, but there are a number of guided tours available for those who are curious. If you move to New Jersey then it’s a good idea to get to know the best-haunted countries, don’t you think?

The Best-haunted places

Many homes in Cape May, New Jersey are reported to be haunted so this is where you might want to start your search for the best-haunted places in New Jersey. There are several bed and breakfasts and a haunted restaurant to choose from. A restaurant is a place of …

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Holiday & Travel Guide For Brazil

Holiday & Travel Guide For Brazil

Look around

Sao Luis in Brazil is a spectacular place to visit, with its magnificent palaces and colonial buildings creating photo opportunities on every corner. One of the highlights is the snake farm which houses not only snakes but also scorpions and spiders there to be seen from all over the world. It is a pleasant day. The city itself has a beautiful cathedral to visit, many other Christian sites and several museums displaying art and nautical exhibits. This old city is very ancient with beautiful architecture in the Portuguese style along narrow winding streets where large areas are now protected as national monuments. An interesting trip is down one of the two rivers that flow through the city. The city has a mystical charm and is a beautiful place to stay. You can also rent a car and travel outside the track to see some of the incredible sights …

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