Nine Things to See and Do in Spain

1. Explore Madrid

The capital city is well known for its tapas, museums and amazing nightlife. In this city, nothing really starts until midnight. Make sure that you visit one of the world’s largest museums, the Prado as well as the Royal Palace. You will definitely want to allot some time to stroll through Plaza Mayor, the main square.

2. Enjoy Barcelona

As in Madrid, Barcelona is also well-known for its amazing historic streets, late-night eating and partying. Here you will find ample amounts of history, learn to sleep until 10:00 pm, and just like the locals do, eat dinner at midnight. It is strongly suggest that you pay the history museum a visit – it is one of Europe’s very best. One of my favourite cities in the entire world is Barcelona, and I am pretty sure that it is already on your “places I must see” list.…

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Six Tips for Cutting Costs on a Florida Vacation

A Florida vacation can be a splurge, but you can also visit the Sunshine State on a budget. Here are a few tips to cut the cost of a vacation to Florida.

  1. Fly to Secondary Airports

There are a handful of smaller airports in Florida; so many flights will land in these smaller airports. This does make for a longer drive to major cities, but it can save you hundreds of dollars on your travel costs. If you want to land at a major airport, you should make sure that you watch for Florida airline ticket sales to your preferred airport to make sure you get the best deal.

  1. Look for Package Deals

Package deals can save you a lot of money on your trip. There are flight deals to Florida that are round trip. You can also find hotel packages that include a rental car, which are deeply discounted. …

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