Dharamshala Travel Guide

Dharamshala Travel Guide

A visit to Himachal’s beauty – Dharamshala

Himachal, located in the lap of Dhauladhar’s wing, is the most beautiful and sacred place. There are 12 districts in Himachal Pradesh. Each district defines their story in their own beauty. Small and beautiful cities located in Himachal make it HEAVEN ON EARTH. Dharamshala is also one of the beautiful cities located in North India. It is also the capital of Himachal Pradesh for a period of 6 months in winter. Dharamshala is the art of God.

How do you reach Dharamshala?

By Air: – Gaggla Nearest Airport (13 km from Dharamsala). Daily flights from Delhi – Air Deccan Airlines and Jagson Airlines

By train: – Nearest Railway Station Pathankot. An overnight train trip from Delhi-Pathankot. 3 hours by bus / taxi to Dharamsala.

By Bus: -HTC bus that connects Delhi-Dharamsala. This is a 13 hour trip. Buses are also available from Manali, …

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